Thursday, June 28, 2007

It's Pilates Day!

Yes, and when dad came home I had to scurry and stretch around the floor to remind him -- he's missed a few weeks, so I thought he'd need reminding, you see.

It was also play day as well, as Barry came to visit. It's very nice of dad to leave money out for him to come play with me...but why, if he's being paid, does he spend so much time scrubbing the bathroom and things? That's not very fun for me. In fact it is quite boring.

He did locate two missing toys, though. He's a good boy, Barry is.


Anonymous said...

Has anyone ever told you that you, in this picture, look like a kokopeli? Just curious.

Mardi Michels said...

Huh? I just think I look like a slinky....

Mardi Michels said...

actually, that CLEO looks like a slinky...

CMC said...

Silly, silly Steve - that's a TAIL, not a phallus!

As my bits were removed, I'm not sure I'd be a good fertility deity...

But I hear a Kokopelli is "also a trickster god and represents the spirit of music" in fact, that part may fit.

The Best Family said...

You look like a gymnastics cat and you are so great. You look like an acrobat.