Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Do You See What I See?

Here's a test for my favourite little friend - and anyone else reading my blog.

Can you see what I'm watching?

It's all serious, this Cat TV. Not just some crazy reality show.

You need to watch that birds don't sit in the tree and poo on the table, stop squirrels from digging in the grass, chase pigeons away from the eaves.

All hard work, really.

Which is why I take it so seriously...


Mardi Michels said...

Cleo you are doing such a good job of guarding the house. I think Dad should give you a few treats tonight....

The Best Family said...

Cleo Mimi Cat, I wish I could watch Cat TV too, and I wish I was a cat. We couldn't see a bird, but I think maybe you can see a bird actually.

CMC said...

But Charlotte, I hear you also like bugs and watch BUG TV sometimes? Just like me!